photo shoots

Southwest Sojourn, Part IV

"The hills are alive with the sound of music!" (Classic movie, by the way -- Edelweiss breaks my heart every time...)

Greetings from Liz again. One of the best parts of our trip to Utah was our trek up the hills for a makeshift photo shoot. We recruited the assistance of our supremely stellar sidekicks, Gregory and Melody Brown, who happened to be utterly skillful and blessedly patient companions. (We love you guys!)

The plans were simple enough: hike up huge hill by Brown house, get gussied up, take pictures. Plan=simple. Execution=not so simple. The hills we had in mind happened to be unexpectedly inaccessible, and as we trampled -- parched, aimless, sweaty, and burdened with cumbersome garment bags -- through a thorny and tortuous path replete with brambles, deer droppings, and cacti (which pierced Gregory in the foot and myself in the thigh), I grumbled in discontent, "We're crazy." I don't deny that Greg Anderson and I have a history for getting ourselves into absurd situations because of our brilliant (I mean, ridiculous) ideas.

Yet all the huffing and puffing was worth it. Once we reached the apex of the hill, I had to catch my breath for another reason: the views were spectacular, formidable, sublime. The early-evening skies were the clearest cerulean -- not a cloud in sight -- and the bracing winds were fresh and invigorating. Greg and I stripped for the world to see (that's where Melody came in -- she protected my modesty with a sheet) into our formal wear, and then we vamped for Greg's little digital camera, manned by Gregory. Watch out, professional photographers: Greg Brown's got some serious skills. Melody was also instrumental in the process, shouting out observations, adjusting my windblown tresses, and repeatedly telling Greg A to "own" his pose.

The results? A few images are posted on our website, and as for the others, you're just going to have to wait! ;)