Anderson & Roe Piano Duo Merchandise Sales Overview

Greg & Liz use a "donation” system for their merchandise sales. Although it may be unusual, the system works well and is very easy to implement. 

Greg & Liz don't list a sales price for CDs or scores; instead, they allow audience members to purchase the albums for whatever price they feel is fair. Audience members are even welcome take a CD without paying, though, obviously, Greg & Liz hope people will chip in a little bit! Cash transactions tend to make up the bulk of the donations. Since people often offer whatever they have in their pockets (and rarely ask for change), there is no need to pad the “bank" before the concert. Audience members are also welcome to write checks. If the venue prefers that people make out checks to the artists, Greg & Liz have a sign requesting any checks be made out to “Greg Anderson.” Sales during intermission are often brisk; as such, Greg & Liz generally prefer to avoid credit card transactions, since these can slow down the line.

Greg & Liz bring along signs that clearly explain the system, and make an announcement from stage before intermission. There is no need for anyone to make a pre-concert announcement regarding merchandise sales. (Greg & Liz have a variety of different signs to accommodate for the specifics of the venue.)

One important detail: the system works better when the entire pile of merchandise is clearly displayed in the lobby *prior* to the concert, so that audience members see the CDs and scores upon walking into the concert hall. When Greg & Liz mention the sales system from stage before intermission, they often state it is their goal to get rid of all the CDs. Since most people will have seen the large pile walking into the auditorium, they tend to chuckle a bit, but it also transforms their thoughts on the matter (for the better!).

Depending on the quantity of remaining merchandise, Greg & Liz will be able to work with presenters to determine how best to return inventory.